Peace’s Reopening Plans in Light of Relaxing Restrictions

Peace’s Board of Elders, Church Council, and Voters’ Assembly have all recently weighed in on our staff’s proposed “reopening” plan to get our congregation’s groups and systems fully operating again. Following the CDC and St. Louis County lifting restrictions, particularly on those fully vaccinated, we have decided to pursue a 2-phase opening plan. This plan is subject to change as circumstances require, but as of this time, here is the plan:

Phase 1:

In line with the CDC, those who are fully vaccinated are no longer recommended to wear a mask or socially distance. To reflect this, we have pushed the following changes to be immediate:

  • The signage on the entry doors has changed, recommending masks only for those not yet vaccinated or with serious medical issues.
  • The social distancing ropes have been removed from the center two sections of pews in the Sanctuary.
  • Persons are free to walk out the rear of the Sanctuary rather than the side doors, and the pastors will stand at the rear doors accordingly.

 As of the first weekend of June, the following changes have taken place:

  • Saturday services are held in the building rather than in the parking lot.
  • Tuesday communion portals have ended since all services are now inside.
  • Sunday school for grades pre-K-12 begins at 9:15am each Sunday. Grades 1-6 will meet in the gym.
  • Adult Bible class begins in Sanctuary Hall for the 9:15am time period, which means no more service overflow in Sanctuary Hall for the 9:20 service, however, it will remain for all other services.

Phase 2:

Fall (Specific date(s) to be determined): Some of these may happen before others, but are changes we hope to make in the near future:

  • All social distancing ropes removed from the Sanctuary.
  • The Lord’s Supper received at the rail in groups rather than via continuous flow.
  • Pass the offering plates.
  • Hymnals and Bibles will be added to the pews.
  • All SARS cov-2 signage removed from the campus.
  • Another adult Bible class added to our learning options.
  • Sunday School moved to classrooms.
  • Return of fellowship time in the gym with coffee and donuts.

If you have questions, feel free to reach out with them to the church office. Please note that the online streaming of the weekly service will continue.